Rambert School of Ballet
Rambert School of Ballet in Twickenham felt that they needed to freshen up their washroom facilities and to change the seating in their changing rooms.
With an area of 152m2 to work with, Interfix certainly had their work cut out, however, with over 30 years’ experience in washroom design and refurbishment, Interfix was more than up to the challenge.
Following the installation of brand new new lockers and seating to the changing room facilities, work began on the washroom refurbishment which included the installation of Solid Grade Laminate cubicles, WC ducting, Urinal ducting, new flooring, wall decoration and showers.
The previous washroom had an issue with water splashing onto the floor from their existing hand washing facilities so Interfix installed Corian Washtroughs to reduce the water on the floor along with sensor control taps to improve hygiene.
The project was completed within 6 weeks during the summer holidays and despite the manufacturers having a tight program at this time of year, Interfix completed the project to the school’s complete satisfaction.

Aspects Covered
Lockers and seating, Cubicles, WC ducting, Urinal ducting, Corian Washtroughs with sensor control taps, New flooring, Wall decoration and New showers.