Washrooms at Lewisham Shopping Centre
Home to a mix of over 60 high-street and specialised stores, Lewisham Shopping Centre attracts on average over 185,000 shoppers per week. In the heart of Lewisham, the shopping centre is often used as a spot for washroom breaks.
As a result of the shopping centre’s convenient location, the restrooms had endured a lot of use, even a fair amount of vandalism. Lewisham Shopping centre sought to revitalise the facilities, eliminate signs of vandalism, as well as provide a better experience for parents with babies and small children.
The project covered a space of 700m2 and had to be completed in the shortest time possible. Lewisham shopping centre remained open during the refurbishment, therefore it was imperative that works did not disturb the public, and facilitated a high volume of traffic around the worksite.
Temporary facilitates were issues by Interfix, with an understanding that the project needed to be finished as quickly as possible, so customers could enjoy a better standard of facilities at Lewisham shopping centre.
Interfix were able to retain the terrazzo floor, reducing project costs, and saving time. Hygiene wall cladding was put in place, and wall hung wash troughs. To combat the level of damage and vandalism the shopping centre faces with broken WC facilities, Interfix installed wall-hung WC pans with push button flush features.
Used by families and parents, Lewisham Shopping Centre wanted to redesign the baby changing facilities. A new layout was and refresh was also carried out, giving parents improved convenience and ease when using these facilities.
Lewisham Shopping centre is now equipped with more reliable washrooms, keeping maintenance costs down, and customer satisfaction high. The project demonstrated Interfix’s flexibility and capability refurbishing washrooms of size, under tight timeframes, while dealing with high levels of public traffic.

Aspects Covered
Hygienic wall cladding, corian washtroughs, solid grade laminate cubicles, wall hung WC pans with vandal resistant push button flush.